The University of Creative Convergence, Fostering talents and Specialization
Potentials of Talents and Professionalism of HyupsungBridge to the Future, Hyupsung University Talents finds new possibilities through learning and Hyupsung completes the possibilities by
specialized education of convergence and complex.
Global program to communicate with the world,
62 academic exchange universities
in 19countries with Hyupsung University
Solid long-term field training with
76 companies
(121 students participated)
The Status of Scholarship Support,
1,958 Students Provided,
Total Amount 16.43 billion KRW,
53% of the tuition
12 School Buses Operated on Various Routes
(Suwon, Ansan, Bundang, Bucheon,
Incheon, Ilsan, Yongin)
Systematic Work and Learning Parallel,
in15 companies
( 33 students participated)
Distance to the University,
30 minutes from Sadang Station, Seoul
A Greater Leap! The Greater Hyupsung!
Moving Forwarding to the Future and World
Hyupsung University
Hyupsung University, grounding John Wesley's evangelical theology and Pietism living beliefs based on the basic philosophy of Korean democratic education and the Christian spirit, established and opened in 1977 as a four-year private university based on the founding philosophy of cultivating competent talents and pastors of the Christian Presbyterian Church of Korea, which can contribute to national and social development through higher education that pursue the truth and human values. In addition, Our University cultivates the qualities as a democratic citizen possessing professional knowledge, intelligence, and creativity to open the future society, and as an educational goal, aim to foster talented human resources that contribute to the country and the community by practicing faith, love, and service, and is fulfilling its mission to foster core talents for future society of Wesley that lead the 4th Industrial Revolution as a key indicator of university education through cultivation of “Spiritual Volunteers”, “Global Man with Personality”, and “Competent Professionals”.
In 1888, when the country was chaotic and Korea's national power declined, a small ember started with William B. Scanton, who came to Chosun with the hope of Jesus and Chosun, growing steadily in the midst of many hardships and trials, now it developed rapidly as the Hyupsung University. Our University, with a campus specialization strategy based on the evangelical faith that continues the history of the Korean Methodist Church, and is growing as the university that society and education grows together by stepping into the university where students' careers, achievements, and communities are together.
‘Fostering WESLEY's core competency talents’ that the university aimed at, means to foster creative convergence talents to lead the age of the 4th industrial revolution. With the purpose of realizing 'Undergraduate-centered Creative Convergence Specialization University' in the future, we will make the best effort to take a leap to a prestigious private university with global competitiveness by utilizing the UHS 2025
Development Plan. Thank you.
WESLEY Core Competency Fostering Talents,
Undergraduate-oriented Creative Convergence
Specialization University!
College of Theology01.Theology
The Department of Theology has the student equip with Christian spirituality, personality, and creative theological thinking skills by reaching at the core heart of Christian truth through research on the New and Old Testament, the history and theological thought of the church, and the practice of faith. On the basis of it, the Department fosters Christian leaders who serve and transform the commu nities and the world.
College of Humanities and Social Science01.Department of Creative Writing
The Department of Creative Writing, is fostering talents who will exert their expertise in the future literature and culture at large, by cultivating the spirit of inquiry for humans and the world through the literary study that crosses the world and Korean literature, and by systematically acquiring creative knowledge and practical functions required in the area of cultural industry.
02.Department of Social WelfareThe Department of Social Welfare has the purpose to educate students scientific knowledge and skills related to social welfare, with social responsibility and a sense of mission to promote national social welfare. Through this, the Department is fostering social welfare professionals possessing the competence to contribute to the development and improvement of national social welfare policy, satisfying human social needs arising from various social phenomena, preventing and solving social problems.
03.Department of Child Care and EducationThe Department of Child Care has an educational purpose to foster a childcare teacher possessing professionalism to fulfill the social responsibility and mission of child care. In order to do this, the Department has the student acquire all the knowledge about infants and their families, and not only learn various theories about childcare, but also cultivate professionalism as a childcare teacher through practical application and evaluation experience.
04.Department of Urban Development & AdministrationDepartment of Urban Development & Administration sets the goal to foster professionals of creative urban development and urban administration that can diagnose and solve urban problems in modern society.
05.Department of Media and AdvertisingDepartment of Media and Advertising, by understand strategic corporate communication, such as advertising and public relations as well as digital media including internet, mobile, web, etc. and traditional media centered on broadcasting, video creation and newspaper and by acquiring professional knowledge, is trying to cultivate corresponding practical ability.
College of Global Business Administration01.Department of Management
Based on creative thinking and challenging mind, Department of Management has an educational goal to foster professionals contributing to society and the nation based on global mind, managers leading innovation based on creative and challenging mind, and competent executives possessing the right ethics and serving spirit.
02.Department of Finance & Insurance · Tax & AccountingThe Department aimed at fostering professionals who will advance into the field of financial insurance and tax accounting, a nd make students free to choose and to learn the major track of financial insurance and tax accounting. The Major track of Financial Insurance fosters talents with specialized knowledge in the fields of banking, securities, and insurance, the three major pillars of finance, and makes them advance to related industries. The Major track of Tax Accounting fosters talents possessing specialized knowledge of tax and accounting fields, and makes them advance to related industries.
03.Department of Hotel & Tourism · Distribution ManagementThe Department of Hotel Tourism and Distribution Management, having purpose to 「cultivate the qualities as the democratic citizens possessing expertise, intelligence and creativity」 among the objectives of our university education, aims to foster creative and ethical global specialized executives of hotel, tourism and distribution who will play a pivotal role in the field of hotel, tourism, distribution and management, through practical training based on theories of hotel management, manager management, restaurant management, distribution, logistics, business administration, marketing, service, and information technology, etc..
04.Department of Americas International Trade and CultureChanges of the global economy, trade, and culture in the 21st century, go beyond the simple commerce behavior and lie in front of the reality of the rapidly changing surroundings of the global economic environment including FTA. In addition, capacities of the USA positioned an important place in terms of economic, social and cultural aspects. In line with that, the Department of Americas International Trade and Culture educates comprehensive knowledge across English-speaking trade, economy and culture centering on the United States, and not only cultivates professional knowledge to adapt to international trade and its environments, but also educates comprehensive knowledge about international trade, international economy, international regions and culture.
05.Department of China Trade and CultureBased on the understanding of language, culture and commerce about China, rapidly emerging in the era of globalization, Department of China Trade and Culture, aims to foster a Chinese professionals equipped with an international sense and sense of mission to play a role of communication and exchange on a global stage related to Korea and China. Domestic and foreign professors carry out systematic and professional education on Chinese language and train students to be equipped with global abilities to be matched well with the globalization age by cultivating an understanding of Chinese culture and practical skills in Chinese trade.
College of Science & Engineering01.Department of Computer Engineering
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized and operated a systematic curriculum with the purpose of fostering talents with ICT expertise to cultivate creative talents in the information society. In particular, the Department fosters professionals possessing strong practical adaptability by fostering an engineering mind as a computer engineer.
02.Department of Smart System Software EngineeringThe Department of Smart Systems Software Engineering aims to foster talents to lead the intelligent age through a systematic curriculum. The Department is fostering talents who have leadership based on their expertise in software and their understanding on various domains. By learning programming languages, the Department is carrying out systematic education of domain knowledge and application development on various devices, overall system structure and principles, and AI-based intellectualization as well as information and communication technologies to improve competitiveness.
03.Department of Architectural EngineeringThe Department fosters professionals in the field of architecture that harmonize beauty, function, and publicity by possessing together artistic sense and solid engineering knowledge. To this end, the curriculum is designed not only to cover building the architecture, but also to cover various studies such as art, culture, history, technology, and the environment to cultivate the intelligence to analyze and solve various problems that are directly related to human life. With this curriculum of arts, culture, history, technology and environment, the Department is fostering talents equipped with expertise and creativity.
04.Department of Urban Planning & EngineeringThe Department of Urban Engineering has the purpose to foster professionals possessing the ability to plan and operate the city that citizens lives more comfortably and productively according to the needs of the times. To this end making our city as the place that is socio-economically vibrant, environmentally healthy and culturally diverse, the Department tries to foster creative engineers who have learned and acquired professional technologies related with land, transportation, housing, environment and etc. In addition to basic theories, the Department provides the practice of cutting-edge planning techniques that are mainly onsite application for urban design, complex planning, environmental design, computer design, etc. Along with these, the ultimate goal of the Department is to cultivate practical skills to carry out urban planning directly through on-site internships.
05.Department of Health ManagementAccording to the wellness centered health paradigm shift and the improvement of life quality, the Department fosters talented human resources, having theories and practice skill together to improve health standards, to secure expertise in health policy and health administration, and to improve the efficiency of health care management. In addition to that, it fosters creative and convergent health care professionals to improve the level of health care at even the individua levels and community, national levels.
06.Department of Biological SciencesThrough a curriculum that goes with practice, the Department have students learn systematic knowledge of life phenomena at the molecular, cellular, individual, and ecological levels along with research field practice. Also, the Department operates a variety of industry-academia collaboration programs to enable specialized research talents from the Department to advance to various fields of bio medical such as stem cell related pre / clinical research, bioenergy, biosimilar research, and cosmetics research, etc.
College of Arts01.Departments of Instrumental Music
The Department of Instrumental Music fosters future musicians who possess together performance abilities in the fields of piano, strings and wind instruments, and teaching methodology with theory. The Department lets students experience the performance of systematic and solid practical classes through various performance opportunities, and train students to be equipped with the qualities as an “Progressive Musician” who can contribute to the development of community, further to Korean music through the learning such as teaching methods and ensembles, etc.
02.Department of Voice Performance and CompositionThe Department of Voice Performance and Composition consists of two majors of voice performance and composition. The Department of Voice Performance and Composition operates the classes such as major practical skills in voice performance and composition, harmonics, vocal music ensemble, opera workshop, Korean song, Italian German diction, video music, and master coral, etc. The Department satisfies the multilateral cultural demands of the rapidly changing modern society and produces musicians possessing diverse musical abilities required by the modern society.
03.Department of Life Space DesignIn line with the age of global design in the 21st century, the Department fosters the designer equipped with an international sense and practical ability to plan human life and culture creatively based on the design perspective, and fosters the sympathetic leader-type living space designer with personality and intelligence that can contribute to the development of the community and the country.
04.Department of Industrial DesignThe Department of Industrial Design tries to foster design professionals, possessing the eyes and sensibility to increase the added value of product and environmental design, and to foster talented human resources who can lead rapidly changing economic, social and cultural trends.
05.Department of Visual Formative Arts DesignThe Department of Visual Formative Design, as the design field that visualizes and delivers practical information, aims to draw the potentials from students through new systems and education methodology, and to foster visual design related professionals based on creative perspective and formative thinking, required by the knowledge and information society
- 01.Graduate School
The General graduate school aims to produce highly skilled human resources with knowledge, personality, and creativity based on the Christian principles, who will work with advanced expertise, knowledge, and research capabilities in this Indust rial Revolution. Hyupsung University provides advanced programs to boost students' confidence in their future.
Department : Department of Theology, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Business Management
- 02.Graduate School of Theology
The Graduate School of Theology is a graduate school associated with the Korean Methodist Church and aims to produce ministers who will spread the gospel in this pluralized society by combining theological theories and practical knowledge and will lead the Church. Students will be taught under the principles of the Wesley spi rit and comprehensive education taking into consideration the current ministry.
DMajor : Old Testament Theology, New Testament Theology, Historical Theology, Systematic Theology, Society and Ethics, Pastoral Counselling, Christian Education, Worship and Preaching, Mission and Culture
- 03.Graduate School of Social Welfare
The Graduate School of Social Welfare aims to produce social workers who can co pe with various social problems related to children, youth, seniors, disabled, wom en, and families. Students learn theories on humans, social environment, social se rvices and technologies, social service policies, social services and programs, and participate in social work practices.
Department : Department of Theology, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Business Management
- 04.Graduate School of Education
The Graduate School of Education aims to produce creative educational experts to meet various educational needs through pedagogical theories and methods. The programs are provided in each season, which offer students opportunities to study new theories and methodologies.
DMajor : Counselling Psychology
The Specialized University of Creative
Convergence and fostering talents that
lead the age of 4th Industrial Revolution
- 01_Exchange Student/ Visiting Student Program
The exchange (visit) student program is prepared to help the students strengthen their global capabilities and grown as the global talents through cultural and language exchange. By dispatching to a sister university overseas agreed with exchange program for a certain period of time, it provides an opportunity to look at the world with diverse perspectives by attending over 15 weeks or more of undergraduate classes or language training.
- 02_Short-Term Language Program
Short-term language program is prepared to improve language skills and have a global perspective by attending language training courses during the vacation at sister universities overseas agreed with exchange program, and is operated for about 4 weeks in every semester vacation.
- 03_Global Career Program
The exchange (visit) student program is prepared to help the students strengthen their global capabilities and grown as the global talents through cultural and language exchange. By dispatching to a sister university overseas agreed with exchange program for a certain period of time, it provides an opportunity to look at the world with diverse perspectives by attending over 15 weeks or more of undergraduate classes or language training.
- 04_Overseas Volunteer Program
The Overseas Volunteer Program is to practice Hyupsung spirit of faith-love-service and is a field-oriented overseas volunteer program designed to cultivate global leadership of our enrolled students and a humanitarian perspectives of the world. Overseas volunteer program is executed once every year during the vacation, and dispatches 20 to 30 volunteers enrolled students to developing countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia, etc.
- 05_Global Internship
By providing the opportunities of global field training through internship programs with overseas institutions agreed to exchange with our University, it is the program that is designed for career exploration and career design. Global Internship, consisting of a 3-week language training and a 3-week field training, is being carried out once every year during summer vacation.
Since 1998, the university has established the network
with 62 international exchange organizations in 19 countries.
No. | Date of the Agreement | Nations | Name of the University |
01 | 1998-10-14 | China | Yanshan University |
02 | 1999-01-22 | USA | Hope International University |
03 | 2002-06-12 | China | Shanghai Normal University |
04 | 2005-05-21 | USA | Centenary College |
05 | 2005-07-21 | Germany | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
06 | 2005-09-08 | USA | Wesley Theological Seminary |
07 | 2006-04-04 | USA | Saint Paul School of Theology |
08 | 2007-10-24 | United Kingdom | Wesley College |
09 | 2008-06-10 | Japan | Yamanashi Eiwa Colleage |
10 | 2008-08-14 | Russia | Rector of Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture |
11 | 2008-08-18 | China | SICHUAN INTENATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY Chengdu University |
12 | 2008-08-20 | China | mudanjiang University |
13 | 2008-09-18 | China | Henan Normal University |
14 | 2008-11-05 | China | Sichuan Normal University Chengdu University |
15 | 2008-11-12 | Togo | Lome Theological University |
16 | 2009-01-06 | China | Xiamen Huaxia Vocational College |
17 | 2009-01-07 | China | Xiamen Donghai College |
18 | 2009-01-26 | USA | Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary |
19 | 2009-02-05 | USA | Claremont School of Theology |
20 | 2010-02-11 | USA | Hawaii Pacific University |
21 | 2010-04-20 | Philippines | Tarlac State University |
22 | 2010-11-25 | China | Hefei University |
23 | 2011-07-28 | USA | California State University, San Bernadino |
24 | 2011-11-10 | Philippines | Central Luzon State University |
25 | 2011-11-10 | Philippines | Wesleyan University |
26 | 2011-12-02 | Mongolia | Huree University of I&C Technology |
27 | 2012-02-03 | China | Qilu University of Technology |
28 | 2012-02-20 | China | Dalian University of Technology |
29 | 2012-08-23 | Cambodia | Chamroeun University of Poly-Technology |
30 | 2013-07-02 | USA | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona |
31 | 2013-09-13 | Myanmar | Victoria University, Myanmar |
32 | 2013-09-30 | Vietnam | Tay Nguyen University, Vietnam |
33 | 2013-10-25 | Uzbekistan | Tashkent SejongHakdang |
34 | 2013-11-19 | China | Xi'an International University |
35 | 2014-04-02 | Philippines | De La Salle Araneta University (DLSAU) |
36 | 2014-04-07 | Australia | University of New England |
37 | 2014-04-07 | China | Shanghai University of International Business and Economics |
38 | 2014-05-01 | China | Kaiyuan Vocational High School |
39 | 2014-05-09 | China | West Anhui University |
40 | 2014-07.17 | China | Dongguan Hanlin Experimental School |
41 | 2015-01-21 | Australia | James Cook University |
42 | 2015-02-25 | United Kingdom | Aberystwyth University |
43 | 2015-07-21 | Vietnam | BAC HA College of Technology |
44 | 2015-11-13 | Indonesia | Universitas Kristen Indonesia |
45 | 2015-11-13 | Indonesia | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
46 | 2015-11-16 | Cambodia | University of South-East Asia |
47 | 2015-11-17 | Vietnam | Hanoi Polytechnic College |
48 | 2016-05-10 2016-05-31 | Canada | University of Victoria(English Language Centre) |
49 | 2016-05-13 | Malaysia | Limkokwing University of Creative Technology |
50 | 2016-05-16 | Australia(Malaysia) | Swinburne University of Technology |
51 | 2016-10-27 | Ireland | Dublin City University Language Services |
52 | 2017-01-09 | China | Liaoning National Normal College (North Gate) |
53 | 2017-01-11 | China | Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages Institute |
54 | 2017-09-11 | Philippines | University of Cebu |
55 | 2017-10-31 | Indonesia | Institute Wesley Jakarta |
56 | 2018-01-19 | Vietnam | University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City(UAH) |
57 | 2018-01-22 | Vietnam | University of Thanh Dong |
58 | 2018-01-23 | Vietnam | Hoa Binh University |
59 | 2018-09-20 | New Zealand | University of Auckland |
60 | 2018-11-01 | Canada | Renison College (University of Waterloo) |
61 | 2019-01-10 | Australia | Deakin University |
62 | 2019-05-20 | Malaysia | Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation |
Recognized Student, Respected Professor,
Proud University
- ① Social Science Hall (1st Education Hall)
- ② University headquarters
- ③ Management Hall (2nd Education Hall)
- ④ Hyupsung Vision Center
- ⑤ Academic Information Center
- ⑥ Liberal Arts Hal(3rd Education Hall)
- ⑦ Art museum
- ⑧ Dormitory 1
- ⑨ Science and Engineering Hall
- ⑩ Art University Practice Hall
- ⑪ Dormitory 2
- ⑫ Student Union Hall
- ⑬ Wesley Hall
- ⑭ Main Playground
- ⑮ Front Gate
- ⑯ School Bus Platform
- ⑰ Parking lot
- ⑱ Industry-Arcademia Cooperation Foundation